S A N K H Y A ---------------- Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Sankhya Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved. SANKHYA Translation Framework 1.1A Release Notes, Mar 2005 ----------------------- Table of Contents ----------------- 1. Introduction to SANKHYA Translation Framework 2. What's New 3. Known Limitations and Defects 4. Defects Resolved in this release 5. Contact Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Introduction to SANKHYA Translation Framework --------------------------------------------- The SANKHYA Translation Framework (STF) is a completely novel framework that can be used to automate EAI activities like document and message processing, protocol conversion, data conversion, adapter development and natural language translation. STF provides a powerful language, called the SANKHYA Translation Modeling Language (STML), for modeling translations and transformations. By using STML, it is possible to represent translations and conversions between different formats in a single specification. The tools and libraries provided with STF can be used to perform the required translation on the input based on a STML model. This release includes the following: Command-Line Edition: 1) st - A tool that automatically converts information in one format to any other format described using STML. Client-Server Edition: 1) stml_server - stml_server is a CORBA based document server that can be used to transform or translate documents from one format to another based upon the specified Sankhya Translation Modeling Language(STML) model(s). 2) stml_client - stml_client can access the stml_server in distributed environment. Developer Edition: 1) STF developer edition provides a set of C++ API and libraries that enables the developer to develop complex model driven applications using SANKHYA Translation Modeling Language (STML) that can automatically convert information in one representation to any other representation specified in the model file. 2. What's New ---------- 2.1 What's New in STF 1.1A -------------------------- 1) STML Server now operates in multi-process mode by default. New sessions can be started in child processes. Each child process can handle a specified number of sessions after which it is terminated. The total number of child processes, total number of sessions and maximum sessions per process are configurable. The configuration parameters can be specified through the configuration file, 'stml_server.cfg'. STML Server checks the following locations for this file in the order specified below: a) The path specified by -cfg option in the command-line. b) $STF_HOME/etc c) The directory from which stml_server was started. Each line in the configuration file specifies a parameter name and its value. The following parameters are used to control the multi-process server. a) max_process: The maximum number of child processes that can exist at any time. If max_process is set to zero, then stml_server will operate in single-process mode. The hard limit on max_process is 256. Default value is 50. b) min_process: The minimum number of child processes that need to be available at any time. If min_process is greater than max_process, it is set to max_process. This setting is ignored in singe-process mode. Default value is 5. c) max_session: The maximum number of sessions that can be created at any time. For multi-process server, the upper limit on max_session is determined by the product of max_process and max_session_per_process. Default value is 500. d) max_session_per_process: The maximum number of simultaneous sessions per process. This setting is ignored in single-proces mode. Default value is 10. e) total_session_per_process: The total number of sessions that a child process can handle during its lifetime. Once this limit is reached, the process is automatically terminated. This setting is ignored in single-process mode. Default value is 10. A new command-line option -s has been added to stml_server. This option causes the server to operate in single-process mode irrespective of the configuration file settings. NOTE: The multi-process server feature is available only on Linux. On other hosts, stml_server will operate in single-process mode only. 2) STMLServer now checks for the license feature STML_SERVER.x.y instead of WVHTMLGEN.x.y 3) Some memory leaks in Directory stream and DB stream have been addressed. 4) stml_client now checks for a license feature. 2.2 What's New in STF 1.1 ------------------------- VC (CR2) Release: ------------------ The following issues have been addressed in this release (call20241): 1) Incorrect path names for README files in STF\samples\README.TXT 2) Incorrect version number specified in README (README.TXT on Windows) 3) Incorrect version number in the file demo.out under stml_translator sample. 4) Incomplete information for configuring database under ODBC stream samples. VC (CR1) Release: ------------------ The following changes have been made in this release: 1) New samples for Database -> XML and XML <-> Text conversion have been added (DR40138). 2) Ability to configure the tags emitted in database stream output by specifying stream properties (DR10522). 3) Ability to include stream specifications in all representations. Previously, they were allowed only in 'input' representation. 4) Ability to exclude a value during match and during output using STML properties. FC3 Patch Release: ------------------- This is a patch release with fix for DR40184. FC3 Release: ------------ In this release, some stml_server crashes seen on Windows host have been addressed. FC2 Release: ------------ The following issues have been addressed in this release: * DR10579 ST Regression test failure (memory exception) * DR40151 stml_server displays incorrect options for -h option * Call20166 Invalid output generated for empty columns read from database In addition to the above, some memory leaks and memory usage issues have been addressed. FC1 Patch Release: ------------------- This is a patch release with fix for DR10576. FC1 Release: ------------ * Signal Handling STML Server now handles signals and exits on fatal program errors. * Logging Support Support for server message logging has been added in this release. A new option '-log' has been added to stml_server. If this option is specified, the server writes log messages to a file named stml_server.log. The location of this file is selected as follows: - If STF_LOG_FILE_PATH_PREFIX environment variable is set then the log file is created under this path. - Otherwise, the log file is created under the directory from which stml_server is invoked. If the log file already exists in the specified path then further log messages are appended to it. * Persistent Object Support The STML Server objects are now created as PERSISTENT CORBA objects. * Better Error Messages The server and client now display better and more specific error messages. IR2 Release: ------------ * Enhanced stability stml_server used to crash in the presence of requests from multiple clients. Such crashes have been addressed in this release. IR1 Release: ------------ * Reduced Memory Leaks Large amounts of memory leaks have been addressed in this release. 2.3 What's New in STF 1.0 (Beta3) --------------------------------- * Command-line, Server and Developer editions. * Improved error messages when match fails. * Enhanced stability. * Support for logical data source (LDB). The stml_server will process and validate the database attributes (data source, user name and password) based on a configuration file. * Support for model streams in stml_server. The input document will be processed and translated using sequential stml models, where the output of intermediate translation will serve as the input for next translation. * Support for setting multiple symbols on a single request to stml_server. 2.4 What's New in STF 1.0 (Beta2) --------------------------------- * Support for dynamic loading of stream libraries on Windows platform. * Support for STMLSequence. * Enhanced stability. 2.5 What's New in STF 1.0 (Beta1) --------------------------------- * Initial release of STF. 3. Known Limitations and Defects ----------------------------- * STF supports the specification and translation between two formats only. * DR10159 - STF Model should allow specification of value list and value * DR10321 - ST enters into infinite loop for NULL symbol value * DR10338 - Problems in binary value support * DR10450 - 'st' core dumps, if forward declared union operand is used inside another union element * DR10538 - st core dumps * DR30078 - 'st' takes a long time to parse AML Tags and translate them * DR30126 - Support for value inheritance in STF * DR30154 - st does not math strings containing space in them * DR30169 - st accepts multiple input/output specifications for a model element * DR40065 - STF accepts multiple input files without providing warning or error message * DR40074 - Wrong interpretation of escape sequences in STF * DR40076 - Default property file support * DR50047 - `st` core dumps if STMLLeaf element is defined as a sequence of STMLNode element * DR50054 - `st` core dumps with sequence of forward declaration of union in model file * DR50061 - `st` fails with match type leaf * DR50100 - `st` fails to differentiate between ',' and '#' for STMLWord Client-Server Edition: * DR10052 - Support for Database iterators * DR10055 - 'stml_server' directory stream should support recursive listing * DR10467 - Enhanced model stream implementation in 'stml_server' * DR10527 - Directory stream support is not available on Windows host * DR10528 - Database stream support is not available on Solaris host * DR30058 - 'stml_server' does not support binary files(gif,jpeg,bmp) * DR30119 - Multi-Threaded 'stml_server' release * DR30120 - Type checking support for STML symbols in 'stml_server' * DR30165 - Incomplete/Inappropriate error on translation failure * stml_server does not cache translated document values. Each request results in reprocessing of the input document according to the specified model. 4. Defects Resolved ---------------- Defects Resolved in STF 1.1 Release: ------------------------------------ * DR40095 - Licensing defect with stml_server Defects Resolved in STF 1.1 Release: ------------------------------------ * Call20241 - STF1.1 review comments and README Issues * DR10522 - Row/Field separators hardcoded in db stream * DR10579 - ST Regression test failure (memory exception) * DR40151 - stml_server displays incorrect options for -h option * DR40184 - Problem in HTMLGenerator returning empty DB Records * Call20166 - Invalid output generated for empty columns read from database * DR10576 - Row number always set to 1 in DB stream result * DR10529 - stml_server creates and leaves behind stmld_tmp_file * DR40108 - stml_server leaks memory * DR40110 - stml_server stops running sometimes * DR????? - stml_client hard-codes session identifiers * DR????? - Issues in database stream * DR10564 - stml_server.exe crashes when database error occurs * DR10565 - st does not display "model file parsing failed" error on Windows * DR10568 - Unified license agreement not placed in STF package. * DR40138 - Need for a strong STF sample Defects Resolved in STF 1.0 (Beta3) Release: -------------------------------------------- * Call10026 - Provide case-insensitive match support in STF * Call10072 - Support for detailed error messages * Call10362 - 'st' should have some default value for all document symbols * Call10366 - Support for Logical Database stream * DR10160 - match fails for union of union operand * DR10331 - Defect in stream support * DR10333 - Error during symbol stream processing Windows platform * DR10449 - Problem in st when a value-list includes a child name more than once * DR10157 - STML Line Translator is not implemented as a class * DR30059 - st replaces any string in input that matches with a symbol name * DR30062 - 'st' does not continue parsing original stream after the end of a new stream * DR30079 - 'st' does not return any error if the specified file does not have access permission to the user * DR30080 - 'st' does not suppress 'space' when "#" is used in output * DR30081 - 'st' core dumps when translating symbol values from contents of file streams. * DR30107 - 'st' core dumps if a STMLWord is not declared * DR30130 - 'st' should have an option to alternate between "best Match" and "First Match" for STML union sequence * DR30166 - 'st' core dumps if the md file has no reference to output value * DR30167 - 'st' accepts incorrect values for range in md file * DR30168 - st core dumps when empty property model file is provided * DR40023 - Issues with the STF 1.0 Beta3 release area * DR40051 - st` core dumps for incorrect database password in DB/LDB stream * DR40053 - # Operator support failure * DR40059 - STF fails to report if the 'child node is undeclared' * DR40064 - stml_client requires model file and input file to be in same location * DR50001 - 'st' fails to support "{" character in input * DR50002 - 'st' does not support concatenation of multiple values in streams * DR50014 - 'st' fails in matching * DR50046 - `st` core dumps when a child with properties is undeclared. * DR50048 - 'st' displays an additional space in output The following defects were addressed in the Client-Server Edition: * Call10363 - Support for setting multiple symbols in stml_server * DR10557 - stml_server exits with segmentation violation * DR30127 - Issues with license, Banner and copyright information displayed by the 'stml_server' * DR30173 - The 'stml_server' crashes on certain requests * DR40052 - stml_server reports license failure with 'htmlgen' * DR40054 - Difference in the translated output between st and stml_server * DR40057 - stml_client core dumps with -m option * DR40058 - stml_server exits when the property file does not exist * DR50004 - 'stml_server' dir:stream crashes on non-existing links * DR50006 - 'stml_server' does not match alternate nodes, if a null symbol is encountered Defects Resolved in STF 1.0 (Beta2) Release: -------------------------------------------- * DR10337 - Dynamic loading of stream libraries not supported on Windows * DR10356 - finalinstall script not provided with STF release. * DR10434 - Piped usage of 'st' fails in linux. * DR20054 - Incorrect range value specified in array.md sample. * DR30050 - README.txt and relnotes.txt has old copyright information (2001-2002). * DR30052 - `st` hangs if no match is found in file_stream demo, string_stream and symbol_stream demos. 5. Contact Information ------------------- Please report any bugs to support@sankhya.com